Almenna Leigufélagið

On Mars 2 Almenna Leigufélagið signed an agreement with MainManager for the implementation and use of the software MainManager. The implementation of the software has already begun and is scheduled to be completed in September.

MainManager will be connected to Almenna Leigufélagið‘s Accounting System and will be used for

  • Issuing and keeping track of Work Orders
  • Creating and keeping track of Incidents
  • Keeping track of Leases and Renters
  • Managing the Property Portfolio

About Almenna Leigufélagið

Almenna Leigufélagið offers long-term housing, a high level of service, security and flexibility. The company handles the leasing of 500 apartments located throughout the capital.

More on Almenna Leigufélagið here :

MainManager attends the annual European Facility Management Conference.

This year the conference’s emphasis was on business and practice and on the other hand research and education. Over 400 researchers and practitioners from all over Europe came together and shared their techniques and research findings from case studies.

Gunnlaugur B. Hjartarson, director and founder of MainManager was invited to speak at the conference.  He gave a lecture on “Urban Innovation – Public FM and citizens involvement”  where he presented MainManager’s award winning concept of City Direct to the delegates in Berlin.


City Direct provides cities and local authorities with new options to promote local democracy, engaging residents and giving them a say in the municipal decision making process.

View Gunnlaugur’s presentation of City Direct:


See what City Direct is all about,  Ready, steady, Reykjavik:

MainManager welcomes a new distributor in Australia

We are extremely pleased to announce that on the 17th of February 2014  MainManager signed an agreement with IVConsultants for the distribution of MainManager in Australia and New Zealand. Subsequently, two of MainManagers employees went to Australia to conduct workshops and prepare IVConsultants employees for the Total facilities EXPO in Melbourne. After a few days of intensive training at the premises of IVConsultants, Ivo Vrozina, Brad Magee and Liam Wittert were ready and able to perform live presentations of MainManager.

MainManager was premiered on March 3rd at the Total facilities EXPO in Melbourne, which is one of the largest FM-exhibitions in Australia. This year more than 2000 people attended the EXPO which exceeded all expectations.

We are really excited about this new cooperation with our mates from Down Under and can‘t wait to see what the future brings.

Few words on IVConsultants

IVConsultants was established in 2007 and is based in Port Melbourne.

IVConsultant works closely with businesses to produce tailored facility management strategies through extensive consultation with clients and the auditing of existing activities and operations. Their goal is to maximise the use of clients facilities, reduce costs, increase productivity and improve asset conditions.

They also provide complete project management services like:

  • Feasibility analyses
  • Project management services to help implement new strategies
  • Post-implementation evaluations

In addition IVConsultants assist their clients in reducing energy consumption and costs.

For more information on IVConsultans click here

Central Denmark Region chooses MainManager

Central Denmark Region has signed an agreement with ICEconsult for the use of MainManager. MainManager will be used to optimize and manage the operation and maintenance of Central Denmark Region ‘s asset portfolio, which consists of more than 1.200.000 square metres.

All information regarding Central Denmark Region ‘s portfolio will be transferred to MainManager in order to create a basis for an optimal view of tasks, resources, energy  consumption and real estate costs. In the first phase of the implementation the focus will be on importing all Central Denmark Region ‘s existing data to MainManager. Central Denmark Region has several large hospitals under construction which will be added to the system in the later stages of the project. MainManager was chosen from a group of similar systems and was awarded a four year contract.

Central Denmark Region

Central Denmark Region is one of five administrative units in Denmark. Their primary responsibility is healthcare, involving responsibility for hospital services, including psychiatry, health insurance, general practitioners and specialists. In addition the region operates a number of social institutions. Around 30.000 employees work to carry out regional tasks at all levels.

“A mature and modern system”
The Danish FM-magazine optimizing writes about the selection
of MainManager at Central Denmark Region.

Statsbygg releases the first MainManager processes

After 15 month of preparation Statsbygg, Norway, is launching SESAM. SESAM is the internal name of the MainManager processes providing transparency of cost and consumption within the property portfolio at Statsbygg.

In phase one SESAM will be operating 49 property. This event is s huge milestone for Statsbygg as well as the involved employees at MainManager. Regional coordinators, members of the project group and SESAM instructors have put a tremendous effort into the preparation and first launch of SESAM.

The project is on track, and every one involved are anxious to the see the project scaled into the remaining 2.400 properties.

(The rope was cut by Regional Director, Beate Bomann-Larsen and Property Director; Frode Meinich)

Large municipality in Denmark chooses MainManager

In the western part of Zealand, Denmark – MainManager is implementing a comprehensive CAFM-solution for Slagelse kommune.

Slagelse kommune (Center for drift og anlæg, Kommunale ejendomme) chooses MainManager to support professional administration of the properties in the municipality.

Data from more than 425.000 m2 will be submitted to the system, and the scope of the project is implementing modules for maintenance, operation, energy surveillance, processes for building inspections, interactive drawings, BIM and the project web module.

University of Hertfordshire

A few months ago MainManager was implemented at the University of Hertfordshire’s student accommodation service provided by Derwent FM.

The University has been so impressed with the system, and the added flexibility provided by the mobile devices used by the technicians, that they have decided to roll out MainManager across the whole academic estate.

During the initial phases, MainManager will support all the University’s support services including Reactive and Planned Maintenance, Cleaning and Security. In later phases this will include space management and document management services.

The University is currently undergoing a huge transformation of its academic buildings over the next 10 years and we are very pleased that MainManager and FM180 will be involved in providing the FM software throughout. This partnership gives us the opportunity to provide the University with detailed life cycle monitoring and management on an impressive scale.

– Steve Owen, Senior FM Consultant at FM180

Rambøll is handing over Rambyg to MainManager in Denmark

Another significant milestone has been added to the 20 years old history of MainManager. Years of excellent collaboration between Rambøll Denmark and MainManager have resulted in a friendly handover of Rambølls software solution Rambyg to MainManager.

“Today we are very proud, but also very focused on the task that we have ahead of us – to us, the journey is starting today, and we are looking forward to meeting Rambyg users and presenting them a CAFM system that meets the requirements of the future” says Gert Mølgaard, CEO, MainManger Denmark.

Read more about the agreement in Rambølls press release. Click here.

The MainManager app

On the 29th of May, ICEconsult launched it‘s first mobile application.

The app was registered in the Google play store and is on it‘s way into the Mac App Store.

The mobile app allows users to use the mobile app to perform different business functions on site, such as inspecting properties, submitting incidents, finishing workorders, registering time spent on a job, registering energy readings etc.

The app serves as an added feature to the MainManager program and does therefore not work as a stand-alone. To use the mobile app, users need to have access to the MainManager program.

Look the app up at the Google play store

ICEconsult has moved

On the 27th of May ICEconsult‘s headquarters in Iceland moved to a new office in Bæjarháls 1, 110 Reykjavík.

The new offices are more spacious and more suitable to ICEconsult‘s needs. They contain more meeting rooms, more space for each department to grow and now all of ICEconsult‘s departments are located on the same floor.

ICEconsult chose an open office setting for the new headquarters, since it is known to encourage communication and informal collaboration beween employees. The open office setting makes it easier to expand and will also be less expensive to maintain, whereas maintenance and renovation costs will be kept at a minimum.